The Guiding Partnerships with Schools (GPS) Family Engagement System is an online hub for practitioners working to deepen the level of involvement of families in the educational process

All families and school staff are invited to participate in a survey of school-family partnership practices in their child’s school. Based on the survey results, the school will receive ratings on the quality of family-school partnerships.
Community Members
Family engagement is increasingly recognized as a critical link in school improvement. The Guiding Partnerships with Schools (GPS) Family Engagement System is an online, interactive system of self-assessments, customizable action plans, and implementation resources all aligned to a best-practice framework for increasing the engagement of families in student learning.

The GPS System
Guiding Partnerships with Schools’ online suite of assessments, action planning tools and implementation resources are grounded in research and evidence-based best practices.
Family engagement initiatives must include a concerted focus on developing adult capacity, whether through pre- and in-service professional development for educators; academies, workshops, seminars, and workplace trainings for families; or as an integrated part of parent-teacher partnership activities.
Beyond the Bake Sale
GPS uses the book Beyond the Bake Sale: The Essential Guide to Family-School Partnerships by Anne Henderson and Karen Mapp as a framework for helping schools identify their strengths and areas for growth as they seek to strengthen relationships with families.
FACE Handbook
For more about the research and best practice in the area of School-Family Partnerships, read the Handbook on Family and Community Engagement.
ESSA/Title I
Title I funds can be used by a school for the purpose of strategic planning, in particular plans that involve conducting assessments, to identify major factors in schools that affect student academic achievement.
*Special rates may apply if all schools in a district purchase GPS